from: 4022900502 to: 455256570 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3124933572 rx_time: 1739041717 rx_snr: -13.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -109 hop_start: 4
id: "!efc89716" long_name: "N6YJ-4" short_name: "L944" macaddr: "\375\313\357\310\227\026" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "R\325\r\355\030\313\374\220!hD\020#\374\017\021\321\314v\305\035v\257\334\377j\234\204\324xgg"
from: 3663646996 to: 455256570 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1704689598 rx_time: 1739040904 rx_snr: 12.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -65 hop_start: 3
id: "!da5ed114" long_name: "Everybody Wants to Rule the Mesh" short_name: "frst" macaddr: "4\267\332^\321\024" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 455256570 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 3412552157 rx_time: 1739040891 rx_snr: -16.25 rx_rssi: -111 hop_start: 3
time: 1739040652 device_metrics { battery_level: 91 voltage: 4.075 channel_utilization: 24.474998 air_util_tx: 0.08161111 uptime_seconds: 50 }
from: 2733242956 to: 455256570 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP request_id: 2712827358 } id: 189253300 rx_time: 1739040685 rx_snr: -14.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -110 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 377930315 longitude_i: -1224134065 altitude: 105 time: 1739040676 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 84 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 6076000 sats_in_view: 24 precision_bits: 32