from: 41880708 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1470351149 rx_time: 1732582736 rx_snr: -14.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -91 hop_start: 3
id: "!027f0c84" long_name: "WB2 0c84" short_name: "WB2C" macaddr: "\351\023\002\177\014\204" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 3416449394 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2370576373 rx_time: 1732578973 rx_snr: -9.0 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -117 hop_start: 5
id: "!cba2e172" long_name: "N6RTM Rak" short_name: "RTMr" macaddr: "\3647\313\242\341r" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "%3d\032\004\356\026\242\223\t\005\200\257L\250OR\'\327,\364B\214\356\322\313\324\004\031\033\243,"
from: 4024696433 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1231057809 rx_time: 1732578954 rx_snr: -11.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -120 hop_start: 3
id: "!efe3fe71" long_name: "K6PLI-7" short_name: "PLI7" macaddr: "\361\334\357\343\376q" hw_model: RAK4631 role: CLIENT_MUTE
from: 3642752679 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1552499865 rx_time: 1732578945 rx_snr: -13.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -122 hop_start: 7
id: "!99a34093" long_name: "SubNet-Sol6" short_name: "SNS6" macaddr: "\356\r\231\243@\223" hw_model: RAK4631 is_licensed: true
from: 3957947898 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3560440085 rx_time: 1732578934 rx_snr: 11.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 6
id: "!ebe97dfa" long_name: "Pete test client" short_name: "Ptc" macaddr: "\270\'\353\351}\372" hw_model: PORTDUINO public_key: "Y\242;\367\246,\220\256q=\253\220\032rLQ\204\2330\245w\014\032\333\215\023\213F\323\361\362\032"
from: 1129782292 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2631899793 rx_time: 1732578925 hop_limit: 3 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 3
id: "!43571c14" long_name: "Flazer_Base" short_name: "FZ_0" macaddr: "H\312CW\034\024" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\005\023\315P\231q\301\231`K\370\023>$\033T\010\302T\224:\260\250\033\377\336\220\327\374\325\014W"
from: 2119628522 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4275894359 rx_time: 1732578918 rx_snr: 10.0 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -55 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 474574692 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1936353516 rx_time: 1732578917 rx_snr: -6.5 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -83 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f64" long_name: "CCCKM 6f64" short_name: "CCKM" macaddr: "\020\006\034Iod" hw_model: TBEAM role: ROUTER_CLIENT
from: 3471860026 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1427143566 rx_time: 1732578916 rx_snr: -3.75 hop_limit: 7 rx_rssi: -112
id: "!cef0613a" long_name: "SubNet-Sol2" short_name: "SNS2" macaddr: "\331\202\316\360a:" hw_model: RAK4631 is_licensed: true
from: 3663154004 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1982496994 rx_time: 1732578906 rx_snr: -9.5 rx_rssi: -93 hop_start: 3
id: "!da574b54" long_name: "PBDB 4b54" short_name: "4b54" macaddr: "4\267\332WKT" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE
from: 3419512146 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2554896061 rx_time: 1732566961 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -25 hop_start: 3
id: "!cbd19d52" long_name: "WB3Sd52" short_name: "WB3S" macaddr: "\364\220\313\321\235R" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\235\346\205\017\334/\233\246\202f\306j\262\211\177`\332\251\025\241\364u\260\257\360k\370O\246\212Nw"
from: 3806518108 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1347323800 rx_time: 1732509158 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -35 hop_start: 4
id: "!e2e2db5c" long_name: "ENTS 24" short_name: "E24" macaddr: "H\'\342\342\333\\" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 237252214 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1522601303 rx_time: 1732509129 rx_snr: -11.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -89 hop_start: 3
id: "!0e242e76" long_name: "Meshtastic 2e76" short_name: "2e76" macaddr: "\312\032\016$.v" hw_model: RAK4631 role: CLIENT_MUTE
from: 862521276 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 763916298 rx_time: 1732509128 rx_snr: -8.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -87 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 2838896613 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2020543879 rx_time: 1732509099 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -52 hop_start: 5
id: "!a9361fe5" long_name: "Meshtastic 1fe5" short_name: "1fe5" macaddr: "\341\240\2516\037\345" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\254\243\034\347\3411V\341Z\375+\021\224\346\222>d\342\336w\007\201\255Q\004\333\336wQ?\321`"
from: 2119628522 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1710986201 rx_time: 1732509095 rx_snr: 12.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -58 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 2223537880 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2285909566 rx_time: 1732509093 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 829299142 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 523517422 rx_time: 1731911581 rx_snr: 7.0 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -43 hop_start: 3
id: "!316e19c6" long_name: "Kevin T1000-E" short_name: "KT1K" macaddr: "\337/1n\031\306" hw_model: NRF52_UNKNOWN
from: 861939912 to: 1945219083 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 3964601829 rx_time: 1731630323 rx_snr: -9.5 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -119 hop_start: 5
route: 3419512146 route: 112627370 route: 3344776898 route: 2733366452 route: 158431020
from: 1945219083 to: 861939912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP request_id: 3964601829 } id: 2473454145 rx_time: 1731630323 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 4 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -32 hop_start: 5
route: 3419512146 route: 112627370 route: 3344776898 snr_towards: -51 snr_towards: -71 snr_towards: -72 snr_towards: 27 route_back: 1226999104 snr_back: 7
from: 861939912 to: 862629445 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 227986730 rx_time: 1731470166 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 1185873623 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2540500252 rx_time: 1731469833 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 1127922388 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 4244075459 } id: 3848701459 rx_time: 1731461578 hop_limit: 2 priority: RELIABLE hop_start: 2
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TEXT_MESSAGE_APP } id: 3447646654 rx_time: 1731461481 hop_limit: 4 priority: 100 hop_start: 4
Pretty good so far. Second day with this node and I really need an antenna upgrade.
from: 861939912 to: 1488900125 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3443015029 rx_time: 1731457231 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 3806723944 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1973917033 rx_time: 1731456920 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 3663964708 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1918036316 rx_time: 1731456605 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 3672094336 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2991428940 rx_time: 1731456217 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 805740918 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 55301440 rx_time: 1731455913 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"
from: 861939912 to: 195706401 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2008605997 rx_time: 1731455600 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!336028c8" long_name: "Artemis" short_name: "Artm" macaddr: "d\3503`(\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE role: CLIENT_HIDDEN public_key: "p)\321@\214\364B\016\"\326\307\274{\323\251\3055t\255LL\250}\030\006\252\255\373D\241.C"