from: 2733462988 to: 994481224 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2138307950 rx_time: 1741995889 rx_snr: -9.25 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-Deck" short_name: "CYTD" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 357699125 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 386522934 rx_time: 1741994512 rx_snr: -11.0 rx_rssi: -108 hop_start: 3
id: "!15520e35" long_name: "Diablo Backup Router LF W6CX" short_name: "DBL2" macaddr: "\352\361\025R\0165" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 2733462988 to: 3081667559 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1101594934 rx_time: 1741993192 rx_snr: 13.75 rx_rssi: -58 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-Deck" short_name: "CYTD" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 2253941891 rx_time: 1741987172 rx_snr: -7.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: -33 time: 1741987167 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 445 ground_speed: 5 ground_track: 7763000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 1128033596 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1394086453 rx_time: 1741985773 rx_snr: -4.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-Deck" short_name: "CYTD" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\263\210\334*\027\213\237\336\226!b,\373\261\033\202\\\324\341\260Y\341c\342\243\250\271\263\226Q\305\035"
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369986 rx_time: 1741982106 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -40 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 3850233014 rx_time: 1741982076 rx_snr: -7.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 4
time: 1741982054 device_metrics { battery_level: 99 voltage: 4.188 channel_utilization: 6.3083334 air_util_tx: 0.061805557 uptime_seconds: 66 }
from: 2223537880 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2600041838 rx_time: 1741981867 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway |" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 1244325542 rx_time: 1741981865 rx_snr: -6.0 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 4
time: 1741981854 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 4.561 channel_utilization: 14.713333 air_util_tx: 0.10027778 uptime_seconds: 67 }
from: 2166814166 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP request_id: 4116370584 } id: 1600011333 rx_time: 1741980390 rx_snr: 6.5 rx_rssi: -48 hop_start: 4
latitude_i: 383443093 longitude_i: -1219270120 altitude: 72 time: 1741980378 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL timestamp: 1741980364 PDOP: 155 sats_in_view: 7 precision_bits: 32
from: 2733462988 to: 2733211016 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 1889710463 } id: 2984441755 rx_time: 1741979291 rx_snr: -4.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 3663956432 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1619156349 rx_time: 1741978130 rx_snr: 6.0 rx_rssi: -47 hop_start: 7
id: "!da6389d0" long_name: "KJ6DLF-3" short_name: "DLF3" macaddr: "4\267\332c\211\320" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1427940410 rx_time: 1741918440 rx_snr: -4.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 1 time: 1741918446 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 125 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 7742000 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 1127922388 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3061795803 rx_time: 1741914663 hop_limit: 3 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 3
id: "!433abad4" long_name: "BLUFF GATE" short_name: "GATE" macaddr: "H\312C:\272\324" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\362s\321V\221\253\251\357\200o\016\276\317\357\"\'\252\\F\020Q2xG\234%n\3616G\2578"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3221498867 rx_time: 1741914654 rx_snr: -5.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219756032 altitude: 253 time: 1741914658 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 397 ground_speed: 295 ground_track: 25152000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1037378538 rx_time: 1741914261 rx_snr: -5.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 180 time: 1741914265 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 548 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 19539000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 474574692 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2132041942 rx_time: 1741913971 rx_snr: -17.5 rx_rssi: -119 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f64" long_name: "CCCTB 6f64" short_name: "CCCT" macaddr: "\020\006\034Iod" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3823415267 rx_time: 1741913945 rx_snr: -7.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 103 time: 1741913945 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 1534 ground_speed: 2 ground_track: 11434000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1366854616 rx_time: 1741913601 rx_snr: 6.5 rx_rssi: -35 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: -892 time: 1741913596 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 300 ground_speed: 216 ground_track: 30970000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3996378066 rx_time: 1741913401 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -35 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 257 time: 1741913388 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 1295 ground_speed: 19 ground_track: 11577000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369790 rx_time: 1741913226 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -50 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 2420525005 rx_time: 1741913212 rx_snr: -6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 27 time: 1741913214 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 465 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 21363000 sats_in_view: 5 precision_bits: 13
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369764 rx_time: 1741904547 rx_snr: -17.75 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -120 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1362221873 rx_time: 1741904520 rx_snr: -12.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: -6 time: 1741904515 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 782 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 16651000 sats_in_view: 5 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP } id: 2951915887 rx_time: 1741893862 rx_snr: -3.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 862521276 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 463108039 rx_time: 1741812465 rx_snr: -13.75 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -111 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 2733462988 to: 2733364688 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 2313953724 } id: 3382182606 rx_time: 1741812451 rx_snr: -15.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2733364688 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2313953724 rx_time: 1741812449 rx_snr: 6.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -18 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 3939089104 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1334270336 rx_time: 1741812440 rx_snr: -12.0 rx_rssi: -108 hop_start: 4
id: "!eac9bad0" long_name: "N6YJ" short_name: "L941" macaddr: "\374q\352\311\272\320" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\242[\322D\330\331\331J\"\225\232\247\206\021\245\006\2640\215\303\323\256\263\035T\256D\264\3074\030B"
from: 920055649 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 241654569 rx_time: 1741812429 rx_snr: 10.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -57 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1042504397 rx_time: 1741812428 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -17 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 30 time: 1741812446 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 851 ground_speed: 5 ground_track: 0 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3327194744 rx_time: 1741807810 rx_snr: -9.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 141 time: 1741807818 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 703 ground_speed: 6 ground_track: 19808000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733364688 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1647074692 rx_time: 1741799320 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -16 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 2733462988 to: 2732898076 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 2043632165 } id: 885583179 rx_time: 1741792175 rx_snr: -8.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 839420014 rx_time: 1741779623 rx_snr: -11.0 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 3
time: 1741779597 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 4.905 channel_utilization: 8.183333 air_util_tx: 2.6300278 uptime_seconds: 26807 }
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3879268348 rx_time: 1741773268 rx_snr: -5.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 35 time: 1741773256 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 1149 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 14513000 sats_in_view: 4 precision_bits: 13
from: 351294855 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 453973637 } id: 366409259 rx_time: 1741752855 rx_snr: -3.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 2
id: "!14f05587" long_name: "FSUP SOLAR" short_name: "CYS1" macaddr: "\340\266\024\360U\207" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "R\325\r\355\030\313\374\220!hD\020#\374\017\021\321\314v\305\035v\257\334\377j\234\204\324xgg"
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369301 rx_time: 1741746944 rx_snr: -9.75 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -110 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2119628522 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3527294662 rx_time: 1741746904 rx_snr: 12.0 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM QTH |" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 920055649 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2593525345 rx_time: 1741746835 rx_snr: 3.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 2223537880 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1462773544 rx_time: 1741746902 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway |" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 2733462988 to: 1128033596 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP request_id: 528103121 } id: 1950560884 rx_time: 1741746873 rx_snr: -9.5 rx_rssi: -105 hop_start: 2
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 33 time: 1741746838 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 224 ground_speed: 1 ground_track: 8052000 sats_in_view: 10 precision_bits: 13
from: 861707692 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3980694260 rx_time: 1741744646 rx_snr: 5.0 rx_rssi: -63 hop_start: 4
id: "!335c9dac" long_name: "Meshtastic 9dac" short_name: "9dac" macaddr: "d\3503\\\235\254" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\316\013\245\217\330%\206K/\371\215\001\3345\252w\300\257\317\307\307\030,\265\370\240\023\332\353\220\0027"
from: 474574632 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 793273850 rx_time: 1741742094 rx_snr: 6.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -38 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369289 rx_time: 1741742087 rx_snr: 6.75 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -23 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1699454472 rx_time: 1741741880 rx_snr: -12.25 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 86 time: 1741741876 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 1058 ground_speed: 23 ground_track: 17523000 sats_in_view: 5 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TEXT_MESSAGE_APP } id: 2230907610 rx_time: 1741649691 rx_snr: 12.25 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 3
hope everyone is having a meshtastic monday, im going to have the drone up for a bit to do some range testing
from: 3567956342 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369026 rx_time: 1741646083 rx_snr: -2.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 474574692 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2132040741 rx_time: 1741646079 rx_snr: -2.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f64" long_name: "CCCTB 6f64" short_name: "CCCT" macaddr: "\020\006\034Iod" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3663154004 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1982538899 rx_time: 1741645921 rx_snr: 5.75 rx_rssi: -36 hop_start: 3
id: "!da574b54" long_name: "PBDB 4b54" short_name: "4b54" macaddr: "4\267\332WKT" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE
from: 474574632 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 216963435 rx_time: 1741645905 rx_snr: 6.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -46 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 2441468456 rx_time: 1741645903 rx_snr: -14.75 rx_rssi: -111 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 286 time: 1741645916 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 855 ground_speed: 17 ground_track: 1622000 sats_in_view: 5 precision_bits: 13
from: 2825388712 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 327749518 rx_time: 1741639918 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -45 hop_start: 3
id: "!a86802a8" long_name: "Ripon_Router" short_name: "RIPR" macaddr: "\364\244\250h\002\250" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER_CLIENT
from: 3663154632 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 650260615 rx_time: 1741639913 rx_snr: -2.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
id: "!da574dc8" long_name: "PBDB GHOST 4dc8" short_name: "4dc8" macaddr: "4\267\332WM\310" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 2593309117 rx_time: 1741639903 rx_snr: 6.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -36 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 382992384 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 17 time: 1741639913 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 76 ground_speed: 72 ground_track: 24000 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 4259562826 rx_time: 1741632811 rx_snr: -10.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 22 time: 1741632815 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 80 ground_speed: 55 ground_track: 35899000 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1917555418 rx_time: 1741624108 rx_snr: -11.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 43 time: 1741624141 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 2041 ground_speed: 178 ground_track: 27372000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 4184514140 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4139895247 rx_time: 1741617857 rx_snr: -3.5 hop_limit: 6 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 7
id: "!f96a9e5c" long_name: "Meshtastic 9e5c" short_name: "9e5c" macaddr: "\010\321\371j\236\\" hw_model: TBEAM public_key: "\267\205\212/j\334\246\"\376\330\354\302\"\216\350*\020\202\312F\337\311a\304\276M\257\035O\300+,"
from: 920055649 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3511367892 rx_time: 1741617853 rx_snr: 13.0 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -58 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1404255847 rx_time: 1741617850 rx_snr: -8.25 rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 27 time: 1741617867 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 430 ground_speed: 148 ground_track: 13725000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2825388712 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 327749437 rx_time: 1741607293 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -44 hop_start: 3
id: "!a86802a8" long_name: "Ripon_Router" short_name: "RIPR" macaddr: "\364\244\250h\002\250" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER_CLIENT
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 2799907241 rx_time: 1741607284 rx_snr: -6.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 16 time: 1741607233 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 267 ground_speed: 50 ground_track: 4405000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 4024099127 rx_time: 1741601340 rx_snr: -10.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -108 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 38 time: 1741601351 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 403 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 11882000 sats_in_view: 6 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1139078450 rx_time: 1741601155 rx_snr: 13.0 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 382992384 longitude_i: -1221328896 altitude: 21 time: 1741601138 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 328 ground_speed: 102 ground_track: 11882000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP } id: 2886475904 rx_time: 1741591136 rx_snr: -6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2535750032 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2047623529 rx_time: 1741587908 rx_snr: -6.75 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 4
id: "!97247990" long_name: "N6YJ-3" short_name: "L943" macaddr: "\345>\227$y\220" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "R\325\r\355\030\313\374\220!hD\020#\374\017\021\321\314v\305\035v\257\334\377j\234\204\324xgg"
from: 2119628522 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 706981807 rx_time: 1741587376 rx_snr: 13.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM QTH" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 609457209 rx_time: 1741587374 rx_snr: 13.5 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 105 time: 1741587351 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 328 ground_speed: 55 ground_track: 18177000 sats_in_view: 3 precision_bits: 13
from: 2223537880 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3930940830 rx_time: 1741587375 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway |" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 994481224 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 904351964 rx_time: 1741586145 rx_snr: -16.5 hop_limit: 4 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -116 hop_start: 7
route: 2732919664 route: 2712008173 route: 2733363992 snr_towards: -48 snr_towards: -29 snr_towards: -64
from: 2733462988 to: 2733364688 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 664402399 } id: 3470506017 rx_time: 1741586125 rx_snr: -10.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2733364688 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 664402399 rx_time: 1741586119 rx_snr: -8.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -108 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 474574632 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 216963167 rx_time: 1741584910 rx_snr: 6.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -44 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 3402975239 rx_time: 1741584901 rx_snr: -9.25 rx_rssi: -109 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 8 time: 1741584896 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 150 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 0 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733462988 to: 1136064932 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3475702772 rx_time: 1741583890 rx_snr: 7.0 rx_rssi: -37 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"
from: 2733462988 to: 1128033596 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP request_id: 2685181815 } id: 3800422486 rx_time: 1741575816 rx_snr: -12.0 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 2
latitude_i: 383516672 longitude_i: -1219231744 altitude: 20 time: 1741575802 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 119 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 10566000 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733364688 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3094784428 rx_time: 1741574524 rx_snr: -9.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TEXT_MESSAGE_APP } id: 1897107073 rx_time: 1741574520 rx_snr: -8.75 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
looks like i can only connevt to the sac valley discord if i get my drone at 200 feet out of vacaville
from: 1128177308 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2495034208 rx_time: 1741574352 rx_snr: -4.5 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 4
id: "!433e9e9c" long_name: "Meshtastic 9e9c" short_name: "9e9c" macaddr: "H\312C>\236\234" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\2020\326j\363;\355\204\201\362\327\222m\362+\212P\313\253/\355\201\235N\322\342\010\035\261\356\257\004"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 1548591388 rx_time: 1741547249 rx_snr: -6.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 3
time: 1741547231 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 4.367 channel_utilization: 15.083334 air_util_tx: 0.044694442 uptime_seconds: 68 }
from: 861707692 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 677735796 rx_time: 1740948847 rx_snr: -13.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -115 hop_start: 4
id: "!335c9dac" long_name: "Meshtastic 9dac" short_name: "9dac" macaddr: "d\3503\\\235\254" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\316\013\245\217\330%\206K/\371\215\001\3345\252w\300\257\317\307\307\030,\265\370\240\023\332\353\220\0027"
from: 920055649 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 289178777 rx_time: 1740948843 rx_snr: 11.5 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -62 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 2733462988 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: POSITION_APP } id: 1207300313 rx_time: 1740948839 rx_snr: -11.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 3
latitude_i: 384040960 longitude_i: -1219756032 altitude: 32 time: 1740948840 location_source: LOC_INTERNAL PDOP: 81 ground_speed: 0 ground_track: 11560000 sats_in_view: 12 precision_bits: 13
from: 2733364688 to: 2733462988 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3242131552 rx_time: 1740944076 rx_snr: -5.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 2733462988 to: 2533721240 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1685990507 rx_time: 1740943595 rx_snr: -4.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ed55cc" long_name: "FSUP T-DECK" short_name: "CYTd" macaddr: "\314\215\242\355U\314" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\244\362\032\340}-\307l\177j6\205vnj\300I\361q\026h-\232\261\267@\3241\177\0052\000"