from: 3663646996 to: 455256570 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1704689598 rx_time: 1739040904 rx_snr: 12.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -65 hop_start: 3
id: "!da5ed114" long_name: "Everybody Wants to Rule the Mesh" short_name: "frst" macaddr: "4\267\332^\321\024" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 2058899284 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1372272769 rx_time: 1734745828 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -43 hop_start: 6
id: "!7ab84f54" long_name: "Hulk sMesh" short_name: "HULK" macaddr: "4\230z\270OT" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 862591308 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1423027765 rx_time: 1734741320 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -42 hop_start: 3
id: "!336a194c" long_name: "Capt Amesha" short_name: "CA" macaddr: "d\3503j\031L" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 2058899284 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 471126795 rx_time: 1734456850 rx_snr: -11.75 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -120 hop_start: 6
id: "!7ab84f54" long_name: "Hulk sMesh" short_name: "HULK" macaddr: "4\230z\270OT" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 2125957521 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1241689155 rx_time: 1734198503 rx_snr: -8.25 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 4
id: "!7eb78991" long_name: "Mt. Diablo West" short_name: "MTDW" macaddr: "\371M~\267\211\221" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 1272268502 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2470295416 rx_time: 1734126477 rx_snr: -6.75 rx_rssi: -112 hop_start: 5
id: "!4bd546d6" long_name: "nobody loves you" short_name: "n<3u" macaddr: "\317zK\325F\326" hw_model: TRACKER_T1000_E role: CLIENT_MUTE
from: 1981143362 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2534597426 rx_time: 1733582891 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -74 hop_start: 4
id: "!7615d942" long_name: "" short_name: "KCS" macaddr: "\200\000\000\000\000\001" hw_model: PORTDUINO public_key: "\362T\246\220G\262\253_\346\032\312\367\325\314\017o\377>\003=9(\211\320\226\343\211\224\321\307\3017"
from: 2718568596 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 69181748 rx_time: 1733554085 rx_snr: 5.75 rx_rssi: -56 hop_start: 5
id: "!a20a1094" long_name: "fly like a g2" short_name: "flag" macaddr: "\314\215\242\n\020\224" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "J\213 \0067-u\234<ow\2607V\305 O\253\026\035,\246\020Eh\031\320:\257\251G\005"
from: 2058899284 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 471109090 rx_time: 1733407320 rx_snr: -7.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 6
id: "!7ab84f54" long_name: "Hulk sMesh" short_name: "HULK" macaddr: "4\230z\270OT" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3806518108 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1631177640 rx_time: 1733243436 rx_snr: -9.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -90 hop_start: 4
id: "!e2e2db5c" long_name: "ENTS 24" short_name: "E24" macaddr: "H\'\342\342\333\\" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 4098201969 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 397187965 rx_time: 1733214612 rx_snr: -6.5 rx_rssi: -113 hop_start: 3
id: "!f4459971" long_name: "SM-Mobile-Node-Bayside" short_name: "9971" macaddr: "\302\210\364E\231q" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 1071440649 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1545571164 rx_time: 1733069022 rx_snr: -4.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -115 hop_start: 5
id: "!3fdce309" long_name: "echo one" short_name: "echo" macaddr: "\370\215?\334\343\t" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 2718568596 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4249748669 rx_time: 1733038447 rx_snr: -10.25 rx_rssi: -118 hop_start: 5
id: "!a20a1094" long_name: "fly like a g2" short_name: "flag" macaddr: "\314\215\242\n\020\224" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "J\213 \0067-u\234<ow\2607V\305 O\253\026\035,\246\020Eh\031\320:\257\251G\005"
from: 530608656 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2017496899 rx_time: 1733038430 rx_snr: -10.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -119 hop_start: 5
id: "!1fa07210" long_name: "nobody" short_name: "nbdy" macaddr: "\010\266\037\240r\020" hw_model: TBEAM public_key: "\017!j\235\352UL\252\365\000\310\260%;\361}\202\016iI\211R,OX\317\205I\340y\r7"
from: 4228900486 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4183990175 rx_time: 1732856667 rx_snr: -5.75 rx_rssi: -116 hop_start: 5
id: "!fc0fe686" long_name: "nobody cares" short_name: "no1" macaddr: "\301.\374\017\346\206" hw_model: TRACKER_T1000_E role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\263\202\010\017\036\274\036 *\334\366ZW\017\343\203\212\024\263\030Gk<7\203\206\267\365\362\305J\001"
from: 2718568596 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2976286168 rx_time: 1732856666 rx_snr: -13.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 5
id: "!a20a1094" long_name: "fly like a g2" short_name: "flag" macaddr: "\314\215\242\n\020\224" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "J\213 \0067-u\234<ow\2607V\305 O\253\026\035,\246\020Eh\031\320:\257\251G\005"
from: 2058899284 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 504345297 rx_snr: 5.75 rx_rssi: -93 hop_start: 6
id: "!7ab84f54" long_name: "Hulk sMesh" short_name: "HULK" macaddr: "4\230z\270OT" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 1071440649 to: 3663646996 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 581620244 rx_time: 1730114705 rx_snr: -1.0 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 5
id: "!3fdce309" long_name: "echo one" short_name: "echo" macaddr: "\370\215?\334\343\t" hw_model: T_ECHO