from: 3175760008 to: 3408686155 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 2078873991 } id: 1953562076 rx_time: 1741936945 rx_snr: -9.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash fancyUI" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 965912138 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 4017624993 rx_time: 1741928936 rx_snr: -10.25 hop_limit: 1 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 4
route: 2295525048 route: 861942488 route: 3233558371 snr_towards: -128 snr_towards: -128 snr_towards: -60
from: 965912138 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1879060869 rx_time: 1741926950 rx_snr: -12.0 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
id: "!3992a64a" long_name: "MC Hamster" short_name: "Mch" macaddr: "\305\3609\222\246J" hw_model: NRF52_UNKNOWN
from: 3175760008 to: 965912138 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 1879060869 } id: 3413392165 rx_time: 1741926948 rx_snr: -5.0 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 5
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash fancyUI" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 357699125 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 386522680 rx_time: 1741926445 rx_snr: 6.75 rx_rssi: -35 hop_start: 3
id: "!15520e35" long_name: "Diablo Backup Router LF W6CX" short_name: "DBL2" macaddr: "\352\361\025R\0165" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 474574692 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2132041995 rx_time: 1741926238 rx_snr: 5.75 rx_rssi: -41 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f64" long_name: "CCCTB 6f64" short_name: "CCCT" macaddr: "\020\006\034Iod" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3567956342 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 488369829 rx_time: 1741926218 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -40 hop_start: 7
id: "!d4aab176" long_name: "Folsom TEcho" short_name: "FSM1" macaddr: "\376\256\324\252\261v" hw_model: T_ECHO
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 463108434 rx_time: 1741926207 rx_snr: -4.5 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 474574632 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 296296315 rx_time: 1741926204 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -40 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 1127922388 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2202777591 rx_time: 1741926197 hop_limit: 3 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 3
id: "!433abad4" long_name: "BLUFF GATE" short_name: "GATE" macaddr: "H\312C:\272\324" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\362s\321V\221\253\251\357\200o\016\276\317\357\"\'\252\\F\020Q2xG\234%n\3616G\2578"
from: 1127922388 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 366529515 rx_time: 1741920891 hop_limit: 3 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 3
id: "!433abad4" long_name: "BLUFF GATE" short_name: "GATE" macaddr: "H\312C:\272\324" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\362s\321V\221\253\251\357\200o\016\276\317\357\"\'\252\\F\020Q2xG\234%n\3616G\2578"
from: 2718629420 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP request_id: 1839653326 } id: 139955536 rx_time: 1741919509 rx_snr: -8.0 hop_limit: 1 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 3
route: 2295525048 snr_towards: -36 snr_towards: -6
from: 2825388712 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 327750360 rx_time: 1741919084 rx_snr: 6.0 rx_rssi: -48 hop_start: 3
id: "!a86802a8" long_name: "Ripon_Router" short_name: "RIPR" macaddr: "\364\244\250h\002\250" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER_CLIENT
from: 2733364688 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2383916475 rx_time: 1741918956 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -43 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 2119628522 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1815303393 rx_time: 1741918953 rx_snr: 10.25 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM QTH |" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 920055649 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3136287873 rx_time: 1741918950 rx_snr: 12.0 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 2223537880 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 83533018 rx_time: 1741918949 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway |" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 2733364688 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1839272377 rx_time: 1741918481 rx_snr: -5.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 357699125 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 386522651 rx_time: 1741918478 rx_snr: -7.5 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!15520e35" long_name: "Diablo Backup Router LF W6CX" short_name: "DBL2" macaddr: "\352\361\025R\0165" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 3408686155 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1085876467 rx_time: 1741917659 rx_snr: -6.75 rx_rssi: -103
id: "!cb2c6c4b" long_name: "Meshtastic 6c4b" short_name: "6c4b" macaddr: "\347\225\313,lK" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 474572516 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 952605771 rx_time: 1741917617 rx_snr: -10.0 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 5
id: "!1c4966e4" long_name: "DocB Roof T-Beam" short_name: "DocR" macaddr: "\020\006\034If\344" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 2119628522 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3712043228 rx_time: 1741917412 rx_snr: 10.75 hop_limit: 5 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 5
id: "!7e56f6ea" long_name: "AD6DM QTH |" short_name: "DM0" macaddr: "\344\302~V\366\352" hw_model: T_ECHO role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\010\2515wH\034\364\177\323\357\262\343+\340P\203\254\372P`H \316\033\317\355\307C\024;\001t"
from: 2223537880 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1486101718 rx_time: 1741917408 hop_limit: 4 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 4
id: "!84887ed8" long_name: "AD6DM-1 Gateway |" short_name: "DM1G" macaddr: "x!\204\210~\330" hw_model: TBEAM role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "T\351HR\300\364<V\260\207\376\363\366\360gA\033\206f\311;\035\267\241n\335\223\270\003S\261L"
from: 1129888948 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4189738167 rx_time: 1741709785 rx_snr: -6.5 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 4
id: "!4358bcb4" long_name: "echo three" short_name: "ech3" macaddr: "H\312CX\274\264" hw_model: HELTEC_WIRELESS_PAPER role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\016\272\332\327XM\247\344\307\331\246\325\216Lc\347\003T\ng\270\210y\250\215b\273y\202\365\277\\"
from: 3175760008 to: 1129894536 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 3388316806 } id: 128772086 rx_time: 1741705168 rx_snr: -10.25 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 1127899024 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3701911507 rx_time: 1741582476 rx_snr: -5.0 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 6
id: "!433a5f90" long_name: "DocB Desktop Heltec" short_name: "DocD" macaddr: "H\312C:_\220" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: CLIENT_MUTE
from: 3175760008 to: 1589243496 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2525539075 rx_time: 1741505820 rx_snr: 13.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3939089104 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2739501688 rx_time: 1741504150 rx_snr: -2.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 4
id: "!eac9bad0" long_name: "N6YJ" short_name: "L941" macaddr: "\374q\352\311\272\320" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\242[\322D\330\331\331J\"\225\232\247\206\021\245\006\2640\215\303\323\256\263\035T\256D\264\3074\030B"
from: 1129784332 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3936748208 rx_time: 1741503426 rx_snr: -16.75 rx_rssi: -113 hop_start: 3
id: "!4357240c" long_name: "Cryptok" short_name: "Cryk" macaddr: "H\312CW$\014" hw_model: HELTEC_V3
from: 1882227270 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3936688655 rx_time: 1741503419 rx_snr: 13.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 5
id: "!70308246" long_name: "OVWH" short_name: "OVWH" macaddr: "\361\321p0\202F" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 944382635 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 674948988 rx_time: 1741503391 rx_snr: 13.75 rx_rssi: -59 hop_start: 3
id: "!384a22ab" long_name: "Tekify Fiber & Wireless" short_name: "TEK" macaddr: "\367\372v\375\276\354" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 2733364688 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 354653239 rx_time: 1741488267 rx_snr: -11.0 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 2535750032 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1531934820 rx_time: 1741488256 rx_snr: -9.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 4
id: "!97247990" long_name: "N6YJ-3" short_name: "L943" macaddr: "\345>\227$y\220" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "R\325\r\355\030\313\374\220!hD\020#\374\017\021\321\314v\305\035v\257\334\377j\234\204\324xgg"
from: 3175760008 to: 2097521333 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2768655336 rx_time: 1741482492 rx_snr: -9.0 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 763371276 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1984397276 rx_time: 1741481838 rx_snr: 7.75 rx_rssi: -22 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 1127977044 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 953976535 rx_time: 1741473752 rx_snr: 6.75 rx_rssi: -22 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 1127904156 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1655023276 rx_time: 1741473415 rx_snr: 7.25 rx_rssi: -39 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 1128165520 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 1529254996 } id: 2173891749 rx_time: 1741397678 rx_snr: -19.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 5
id: "!433e7090" long_name: "Meshtastic 7090" short_name: "7090" macaddr: "H\312C>p\220" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 is_licensed: true
from: 3175760008 to: 183374881 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2829635658 rx_time: 1741397169 rx_snr: 5.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -25 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 2733326472 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2166047731 rx_time: 1741392757 rx_snr: -14.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 2733326472 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 2166047731 } id: 1082403661 rx_time: 1741392756 hop_limit: 4 priority: RELIABLE hop_start: 4
id: "!a2eb4088" long_name: "fonix Prime" short_name: "fnxp" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353@\210" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "zg4\250\203\232\276\351_Z\377\310\314\251\361\351\241\362\376W8\024\010\212\003L\375v\207}\342\\"
from: 3175760008 to: 1067892916 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3558324058 rx_time: 1741384415 rx_snr: -10.0 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 2538966812 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1212702236 rx_time: 1741312447 rx_snr: -4.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 3
id: "!97558f1c" long_name: "RakMeAmadeus" short_name: "RMA1" macaddr: "\313\245\227U\217\034" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 3663153036 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1710523644 rx_time: 1741312318 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -15 hop_start: 3
id: "!da57478c" long_name: "TATOOINE" short_name: "BASE" macaddr: "4\267\332WG\214" hw_model: LILYGO_TBEAM_S3_CORE
from: 3175760008 to: 1129906712 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3015410267 rx_time: 1741150372 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -16 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 2732898076 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1762396629 rx_time: 1741149030 rx_snr: 6.25 rx_rssi: -16 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 1128096912 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3437580529 rx_time: 1741005577 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -49 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 2996152957 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1446012848 rx_time: 1740988698 rx_snr: 5.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -52 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 1129907768 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 162611690 rx_time: 1740981429 rx_snr: -11.25 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 4
route: 2733327052 route: 861942488 route: 2733242956 route: 862521276
from: 3175760008 to: 1882227270 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 1821851112 rx_time: 1740981357 rx_snr: -18.5 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -110 hop_start: 3
route: 2733327052 route: 861942488 route: 3233558371
from: 3175760008 to: 1127951084 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4166786 rx_time: 1740930252 rx_snr: -6.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 3771738008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1078711317 rx_time: 1740924420 rx_snr: -7.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 994481224 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 578038752 rx_time: 1740921521 rx_snr: -16.0 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -112 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 112627370 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3779199847 rx_time: 1740915094 rx_snr: -10.75 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -110 hop_start: 6
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 2538966812 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP request_id: 2254875067 } id: 1671205286 rx_time: 1740892868 rx_snr: 6.5 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -27 hop_start: 3
route: 2733327052 route: 3111510461 route_back: 3111510461 route_back: 4294967295 route_back: 2733366452 snr_back: -45 snr_back: -128 snr_back: -63
from: 3175760008 to: 145452192 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 2185457082 rx_time: 1740892765 rx_snr: -7.75 hop_limit: 1 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 4
route: 2733327052 route: 3111510461 route: 862521276
from: 1128153924 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 217714817 rx_time: 1740623348 rx_snr: -9.25 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
id: "!433e4344" long_name: "Meshtastic 4344" short_name: "4344" macaddr: "H\312C>CD" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\252\271\334e\260\315\351w\237\034%\227Hfu\231~4\2627\352\271\021\211\212\000\023\3567\006\356S"
from: 3175760008 to: 1548682355 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP } id: 566919639 rx_time: 1739770459 rx_snr: -4.75 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 4
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: TRACKER public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1709403896 rx_time: 1739329407 rx_snr: -12.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -107 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 920055649 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2808934483 rx_time: 1739329391 rx_snr: 12.75 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -64 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "AD6DM Router | Elk Grove South" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 3175760008 to: 2451584975 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2367701184 rx_time: 1739326663 rx_snr: -6.75 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -102 hop_start: 4
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 3175760008 to: 3908239081 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1527434271 rx_time: 1739239993 rx_snr: -6.25 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 4
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people to flash tftgui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\017\241\247\200$\310\204\255*\377\247&=\314kPn\006E\221\335\034\220\007n\271\260\010q\323\263a"
from: 976506173 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 1855221246 } id: 1050746141 rx_time: 1739172870 rx_snr: -2.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 6
id: "!3a344d3d" long_name: "Charleston SC Stn3" short_name: "Stn3" macaddr: "\361t:4M=" hw_model: HELTEC_MESH_NODE_T114 public_key: "\022\200\016r\000_p8\022vy\364\277\265\242? S/\336DN\275a\000\213\210\200\\\211\026\010"
from: 2733359772 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 2216129725 rx_time: 1739150478 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 1 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -55
route: 3408686155 route: 862421168 route: 862521276 route: 3036832246 snr_towards: -61
from: 2464873539 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 190198266 rx_time: 1739141335 rx_snr: -0.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -97 hop_start: 3
id: "!92eafc43" long_name: "Meshtastic fc43" short_name: "fc43" macaddr: "\332T\222\352\374C" hw_model: RAK4631 role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "R\325\r\355\030\313\374\220!hD\020#\374\017\021\321\314v\305\035v\257\334\377j\234\204\324xgg"
from: 3176149124 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 445886138 rx_time: 1739129763 rx_snr: -6.25 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -96 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd503084" long_name: "KM6NKL Francois Nguyen " short_name: "FN" macaddr: "\360\365\275P0\204" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 is_licensed: true
from: 3175760008 to: 862156844 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1772870016 rx_time: 1738783239 rx_snr: -0.5 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 1129711528 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3003143775 rx_time: 1737636686 rx_snr: -17.5 rx_rssi: -124 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 1390280241 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 3190904484 } id: 1988146516 rx_time: 1737609326 rx_snr: -4.25 rx_rssi: -95 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2382141181 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 505284437 rx_time: 1737189622 rx_snr: -7.5 rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 90501848 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4285088720 rx_time: 1737163731 rx_snr: -5.0 rx_rssi: -93 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2733326472 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2932730739 rx_time: 1737134649 rx_snr: -7.5 rx_rssi: -97 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2323722476 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3080884013 rx_time: 1737132238 rx_snr: -12.5 rx_rssi: -105 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 3081667559 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2121395651 rx_time: 1737113629 rx_snr: -5.0 rx_rssi: -97 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 861945420 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2718308514 rx_time: 1737045190 rx_snr: -2.75 rx_rssi: -95 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2631723984 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 4080280995 rx_time: 1737014461 rx_snr: -5.5 rx_rssi: -98 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 3111510461 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2458041744 rx_time: 1737013470 rx_snr: -11.0 rx_rssi: -100 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 994490752 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1067574976 rx_time: 1736968774 rx_snr: -9.0 rx_rssi: -96 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2810976813 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2839736358 rx_time: 1736942673 rx_snr: -0.75 rx_rssi: -92 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 1136110884 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1453407127 rx_time: 1736934826 rx_snr: -4.5 rx_rssi: -97 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 976506173 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3245473533 rx_time: 1736926660 rx_snr: -8.75 rx_rssi: -103 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "i tell people about fancy ui" short_name: "b&" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 2733359772 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TRACEROUTE_APP want_response: true } id: 765700534 rx_time: 1736405254 rx_snr: -14.25 hop_limit: 1 want_ack: true rx_rssi: -99 hop_start: 5
route: 4201407588 route: 994490544 route: 861942488 route: 3233558371
from: 3175760008 to: 639544627 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 416239506 rx_time: 1736224509 rx_snr: -14.0 rx_rssi: -108 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "raw dek" short_name: "raw" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK role: CLIENT_MUTE public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 3175760008 to: 2854350440 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2783182965 rx_time: 1734537654 rx_snr: -17.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -118 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "raw dek" short_name: "raw" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 93427012 rx_time: 1734531094 rx_snr: 6.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -44 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 93426891 rx_time: 1734498336 rx_snr: -5.5 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -115 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 3175760008 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP } id: 3065726682 rx_time: 1734498323 rx_snr: -7.75 rx_rssi: -112 hop_start: 3
id: "!bd4a4088" long_name: "raw dek" short_name: "raw" macaddr: "\360\365\275J@\210" hw_model: T_DECK public_key: "\024>\331:\312\000Z\246!\320A\252H\230\212\242\221\306\206\331\021\304\346r\316\220\222\361+(\2336"
from: 1631809589 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1076168295 rx_time: 1734498315 rx_snr: 1.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
id: "!61437035" long_name: "7Cs Ranch C2" short_name: "7CC2" macaddr: "\344YaCp5" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 3175760008 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 1725353691 rx_time: 1734498305 rx_snr: -9.75 rx_rssi: -115 hop_start: 3
time: 1734498306 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 4.25 channel_utilization: 5.2000003 air_util_tx: 1.7226388 uptime_seconds: 10910 }
from: 1129782292 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 559379553 rx_time: 1734498306 hop_limit: 5 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 5
id: "!43571c14" long_name: "Flazer_Base" short_name: "FZ_0" macaddr: "H\312CW\034\024" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\005\023\315P\231q\301\231`K\370\023>$\033T\010\302T\224:\260\250\033\377\336\220\327\374\325\014W"
from: 862591308 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 497874980 rx_time: 1734498304 rx_snr: -6.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -115 hop_start: 3
id: "!336a194c" long_name: "Capt Amesha" short_name: "CA" macaddr: "d\3503j\031L" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 474574632 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 890242595 rx_time: 1734456963 rx_snr: 5.75 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -22 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3175760008 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 2916390510 rx_time: 1734456960 rx_snr: -9.25 rx_rssi: -116 hop_start: 3
time: 51 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 4.887 channel_utilization: 18.241667 air_util_tx: 0.025750002 uptime_seconds: 51 }
from: 2733364688 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2967181999 rx_time: 1734447134 rx_snr: 12.5 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 920055649 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2866330431 rx_time: 1734447127 rx_snr: 12.25 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 4
id: "!36d6ef61" long_name: "Elk Grove South AD6DM-R" short_name: "EGSR" macaddr: "\310F6\326\357a" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\020R\246\235\033\316\351\376\\9\"\364\252vk\3308\261\272\331Y\277\330\333\334Mv\300\273\335\367Y"
from: 3175760008 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 3544771942 rx_time: 1734447125 rx_snr: -10.0 rx_rssi: -118 hop_start: 3
time: 1734447294 device_metrics { battery_level: 41 voltage: 3.644 channel_utilization: 8.731667 air_util_tx: 1.5690001 uptime_seconds: 77689 }
from: 1129782292 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1078784817 rx_time: 1734447126 hop_limit: 5 priority: BACKGROUND hop_start: 5
id: "!43571c14" long_name: "Flazer_Base" short_name: "FZ_0" macaddr: "H\312CW\034\024" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 public_key: "\005\023\315P\231q\301\231`K\370\023>$\033T\010\302T\224:\260\250\033\377\336\220\327\374\325\014W"
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 93426283 rx_time: 1734341133 rx_snr: 2.75 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -101 hop_start: 4
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 2733364688 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2166905805 rx_time: 1734321162 rx_snr: 0.25 rx_rssi: -104 hop_start: 3
id: "!a2ebd5d0" long_name: "N6RTM B" short_name: "RTMb" macaddr: "\314\215\242\353\325\320" hw_model: STATION_G2 public_key: "\3011\361L\334\220=\314\216\216x\017;@\2211\020\000\314C<\212\215\364\361K\005\325h\222\226\026"
from: 862521276 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 93426208 rx_time: 1734321151 rx_snr: 6.0 hop_limit: 1 rx_rssi: -85 hop_start: 2
id: "!336907bc" long_name: "Vaca Router" short_name: "VACA" macaddr: "d\3503i\007\274" hw_model: HELTEC_V3 role: ROUTER
from: 2712008173 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 3953093025 rx_time: 1734321133 rx_snr: 13.5 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -60 hop_start: 3
id: "!a1a5f5ed" long_name: "Berryessa Router Temp" short_name: "BERY" macaddr: "\315=\241\245\365\355" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER
from: 474574632 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 890242049 rx_time: 1734321131 rx_snr: -18.25 hop_limit: 3 rx_rssi: -123 hop_start: 3
id: "!1c496f28" long_name: "TBB4f28" short_name: "TBB4" macaddr: "\020\006\034Io(" hw_model: TBEAM
from: 3222704267 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 1308834222 rx_time: 1733384002 rx_snr: -6.75 rx_rssi: -110 hop_start: 3
id: "!c016908b" long_name: "HenryCedar" short_name: "HCN" macaddr: "\3141\300\026\220\213" hw_model: RAK4631
from: 3233558371 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP request_id: 3976535340 } id: 3827126053 rx_time: 1733381967 rx_snr: -14.25 hop_limit: 2 rx_rssi: -122 hop_start: 3
id: "!c0bc2f63" long_name: "MT Saint Helena MSH1" short_name: "MSH1" macaddr: "\355\237\300\274/c" hw_model: RAK4631 role: ROUTER_CLIENT
from: 2053894736 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 942487334 rx_time: 1733381279 rx_snr: -12.5 rx_rssi: -105 hop_start: 3
id: "!7a6bf250" long_name: "SR Av Repeater (no DM)" short_name: "SRAV" macaddr: "4\230zk\362P" hw_model: TBEAM role: ROUTER
from: 1474208883 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 262613343 rx_time: 1733381267 rx_snr: -12.5 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
id: "!57dea473" long_name: "MeshNet - MN15" short_name: "MN15" macaddr: "\324\030W\336\244s" hw_model: RAK4631 public_key: "\347\246\271\215X]b\370\364\r3\356\250j\245\374p\006\344Z\262\362\210\245\255\261\034\334\230\277\233`"
from: 1829272840 to: 3175760008 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: NODEINFO_APP want_response: true } id: 2055121316 rx_time: 1733381257 rx_snr: -12.75 hop_limit: 4 rx_rssi: -105 hop_start: 7
id: "!6d087d08" long_name: "MiraMini 7d08" short_name: "7d08" macaddr: "\350\237m\010}\010" hw_model: TLORA_V2_1_1P6
from: 3175760008 to: 4294967295 channel: 8 decoded { portnum: TELEMETRY_APP } id: 1261488778 rx_time: 1733381249 rx_snr: -13.0 rx_rssi: -106 hop_start: 3
time: 97 device_metrics { battery_level: 101 voltage: 5.082 channel_utilization: 6.361666 air_util_tx: 0.027583333 uptime_seconds: 52 }